Sustainable sourcing

The term ‘Environment’ now covers such a wide variety of subject matters that we have split our content into three sections, as follows;

Our credentials and achievements, including:

  • Progress on reaching 95% better cotton in our Private Labels
  • Our participation and advocacy for the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) Textiles 2030
  • How our Private Label production has reduced carbon emissions and water usage within the supply chain – from raw materials, production processes to fibres and packaging
  • How we continue to improve customer and colleague awareness of ‘end of product life’ options in support of the ‘Circular Economy’

More information about what we are doing to mitigate our impact on the environment can be found in our Annual Report.

As a sports fashion, multichannel retailer of branded sports and casual wear, we offer customers globally recognised brands such as Nike, adidas and The North Face, and strong Private Label products including McKenzie and Supply & Demand.

Our customers have strong levels of environmental awareness, and, accordingly, high expectations from both the brands they buy, and the retailers with whom they shop.

We anticipate continual advances in customer awareness and engagement on issues relating to climate change impact, the responsible use of resources, and advocacy for the rights of workers within supply chains.

With the strategic support of the JD Group ESG committee, our Private Label teams have embedded improved sustainability awareness and actions across our supply chain operations. Starting at the conception and design stage, continuing through to manufacture and transportation, then sale of, and finally end of product life.

While our Private Labels account for around 5% of our annual apparel product sales, we are working, learning and sharing sustainability successes with our global brands to contribute to the balance of our global sales. To read more about or Private Label brand approach and achievements, click here.

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Up to 95% of the Group’s sales come from products supplied by leading third-party brands. The global reach and recognition of our major brands is integral to our overall sustainable sourcing commitments and objectives.

Brand partners supplying high volumes of products to our retail and online stores include Nike, adidas, New Balance and VF Corporation. The global reach and visibility of such brands necessitates meeting and exceeding consumer expectations for product quality and sustainability alike.

The aforementioned brands form part of the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. Our five largest brand suppliers have official verification of targets set by the Science Based Targets. Commitment to the reduction of emissions during product manufacture is integral to both our brand partners and the Group achieving our respective carbon emission reduction targets.

Our brands are global leaders with regards to sustainable product innovation, commitments to reduce the impact of climate change and supply chain transparency. Representatives from our ESG Committee undertake regular engagement sessions with our largest brands to ensure that we collectively learn and lead across our core three environmental categories of Climate Change, Sustainable Sourcing and the Circular Economy.

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