- Setting Science Based Target Initiatives (SBTI) approved emission reduction targets on Scope 1, 2, and 3
- We will ambitiously pursue energy efficiency across our own operations and value chain
- Our Renewable Energy targets (100% global by 2025) are ahead of the Fashion Industry Charter target of 2030
- Achieving Net Zero before 2050. Our present forecast year for Net Zero is 2043
Support for global standards and initiatives - Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Our annual report details the principles and framework outlined within TCFD. We believe that TCFD plays a key role in ensuring the integrity of climate-related disclosures and we continue to support the adoption of the TCFD framework.
JD Group Scope One emissions target: By 2035/36, the Group will achieve an absolute reduction of 67.2% vs from a 2019/20 base year.
JD Group Scope Two emissions target: By 2035/36, the Group will achieve an absolute reduction of 67.2% vs from a 2019/20 base year.
JD Group Scope Three emissions target: By 2035/36, the Group commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 67.2% from textiles and footwear within the purchased goods and services category by 2035-36 from a 2019-20 base year.
Scope 3 Emissions
Scope Three carbon emissions constitute the majority of our Group emissions. The activities that produce these emissions include manufacture of, and operations relating to, the finished products that we sell, the vast majority of which are produced by leading global brands.
Accordingly, our Scope Three emissions target requires our brands to achieve their own Carbon reduction targets. We engage proactively with, and monitor the progress of our largest suppliers to ensure a) that they are ‘on track’ to meet their own publically disclosed targets and b) to identify any ‘best practice’ learnings from some of the world's largest brands.
The visibility and global awareness of the brands we sell is beneficial to the achievement of our Scope three emissions targets. The customer, media and investor scrutiny faced by global brands adds to our own pressure to ensure that emission reduction targets are achieved or bettered.